Who We Are

We are an Episcopal Mission in the Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana.

We are Anglican, part of the Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion is the gathering of Anglican and Episcopal churches from around the world. Today, the Anglican Communion comprises more than 80 million members in 44 regional and national member churches in more than 160 countries.

We are a missional community of people following Jesus, seeking to continue the work of Jesus in our local urban setting.

We are missional, focusing our attention on living out our callings and vocations outside of the church gatherings as we share the love and good news of Jesus with our world.

We are a church who values partnerships, seeking to partner with organizations already working for the good of the Highland area.

We are diverse, enjoying the rich blessing diversity provides as we extend the radical inclusion of Jesus to everyone we encounter.

We are ecumenical, seeking to collaborate with other churches, denominations, and faith groups in our community and around the world.

We are a group of people learning to balance contemplative spiritual practices with community action, going deeper within ourselves while expanding outward to others.

We Are Diverse

God has called a wonderfully diverse group of souls to this community of care and encouragement. We welcome all people into this fellowship -- just as they are, created by God. We affirm all in our common desire to be more like Jesus. The good news is that God has room at the table for persons of all ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, educational, ability and economic levels, differing political leanings and regardless of past mistakes or bad decisions. We are all precious, but unfinished works of grace. Together we become the “beloved community” where we learn, heal, grow and serve together. God is painting a masterpiece here.

Where and When We Meet

The Highland Center

520 Olive

Shreveport, LA 71104  

(We are located at the corner of Highland Ave. and Olive St.)

Church for the Highlands Location on the Map



9:45--Bible Study (all ages)

11:00--Holy Eucharist, Rite II   


12:00 - 12:30 pm  A Public Service of Healing and Holy Communion (In December, we do not have the noon service but meet for Advent soup and devotional at 5:30 pm)